Congress language: The official Congress language is English. Please note that no simultaneous translation will be provided.

Mobile phones: Mobile phones are strictly prohibited during all scientific sessions.

No smoking policy: Smoking is strictly prohibited during all meetings and sessions and in exhibition halls at all times.

Passports and VISA policy: To be added

Social programme and tours desk: This desk will be located in the registration area at the congress centre. Please refer to the staff at this desk for information about the Congress social programme and optional tours.

Bank services: Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.00, Monday to Friday. On Saturdays some banks are open until 13.00. ATM machines and services are provided outside every bank in Sarajevo, and ATMs accept all international credit cards.

Requesting an Invitation Letter

Letter of invitation will be sent only to those individuals who had registered* for the conference. Once your registration is complete, please contact the conference organizer to request a personalized letter of invitation.

*Registered and paid the registration fee

Local currency: The local currency is the Convertible Mark (KM). EUR 1 equals approximately  1.956 KM (BAM)